KassenSichV: When the tax office comes knocking


Compliance with regulations and laws is crucial for every company. For retailers in Germany, the German Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV) is particularly relevant. In this article, we will explain the reasons why it is so important for retailers to implement the Cash Register Security Ordinance, use a Technical Security Device (TSE) and use software that checks the cash register data for completeness.

1. fulfill legal requirements

The Cash Register Security Ordinance was introduced to prevent manipulation of electronic cash register systems and to promote tax honesty. Retailers who do not comply with this regulation run the risk of fines and legal consequences. Implementing the KassenSichV is therefore not only a question of compliance, but also of protecting your own business.

2. use of a technical safety device (TSE)

The TSE is used to record every business transaction in a POS system and to ensure that this cannot be subsequently changed. This gives both the retailer and the tax office the assurance that all transactions have been recorded and processed correctly. Retailers using a TSE can rest assured that their cash register data is protected from tampering.

3. checking the cash register data for completeness

It is not enough to just use a TSE. Retailers must also ensure that their POS data is complete and correct. One Specialized software can help to regularly check the data and ensure that it complies with legal requirements. This saves time and prevents potential errors that could occur during a manual check.

4. correct provision of data for the tax office

In the event of a tax audit, retailers must be able to provide their POS data quickly and correctly. Software that checks the cash register data can significantly simplify the process of data collection and transmission to the tax office. This gives retailers the assurance that they are well prepared in the event of an audit.

The implementation of the Cash Register Security Ordinance, the use of a TSE and the use of software to check cash register data are crucial for retailers. Not only do they provide legal protection, but also reassurance that the business is being run correctly and efficiently. Retailers who invest in these systems can be confident that they are meeting legal requirements and protecting their business from potential risks.