Recap: Exclusive customer event "50 years of ROS" network


Admittedly, 50 years is a long time and we have indeed "fudged" the number a little. Our unique partner network in the retail sector, which RetailOneSolution Network (ROS for short), has been in existence for less than 50 years, but the companies involved have a history that adds up to 50 years.

The hokona GmbH will be 5 years old this year, plus the Consult-SK GmbH 10 years. The missing 35 years (up to 50) are controlled by the CAS Concepts and Solutions AG with.

And so, of course, the party was celebrated together, in proper style on 10.05.23 starting at 10:05 am. The personal invitation to Hamburg, to the Hamburg thingSome well-known companies and representatives followed suit. The result was a very personal and almost informal event.


After welcoming the representatives (Tobias SiltmannStephan KaupJürgen Werner) from the ROS company network, we went straight into the very well-filled agenda.

With the lecture title "Driving the omnichannel road with CAR powered by Industry Cloud" showed us Stefan Binkowski from the SAPthat there is no one-way street or dead end when it comes to SAP CAR topics. The promised The maintenance extension until 2040 for large parts of the SAP CAR portfolio provides retailers with security and orientation. This gives them enough time to observe the topics in the Industry Cloud and to "match" their development to the requirements in their own company.

The second lecture was about:

Challenges in the B2B environment - consideration of two use cases Case study MEGA eG Smart Store. The future of the almost autonomous store Case study BayWa AG rennt: Cash book rethought, how old and new technologies merge

On behalf of Jens Hungershausen took us Tobias Siltmann on the journey of the smart store at MEGA eG. What challenges does a B2B retailer face? What solutions have been chosen? And what do you ultimately expect from this approach? These were all questions that were addressed in the presentation.


The second part of the presentation was given by Hubert Müller from the BayWa AG. He showed impressively that new solutions do not necessarily always have to lead to complete changes in processes, but that there can also be exciting symbioses of older software components with new solutions. This improves the process faster than a completely new introduction, and provides the peace of mind and time to prepare and tackle further potential for improvement "in peace".


Nicolas Tetau from the freenet AG discussed in his lecture The Freenet story - becoming a holistic omnichannel player with consistent digitalization of branch and central processes the comprehensive measures for renewing the system landscape using the example of the project relating to the GRAVIS Computervertriebsgesellschaft mbH. He impressively demonstrated which systems and solutions are incorporated into the new overall architecture. The real-time communication of all system components and the seamless interaction (e.g. Fiori store management with the SAP CCO cash register) are particularly noteworthy.

"Your solution is unspectacular because it simply runs so smoothly" - this is Tetau's statement on the SAP AddOn Receipt4S® of the Consult-SK GmbH. A big compliment! Because if there are any spectacular scenes in the area of cash register data archiving, it will most likely be because the tax investigators are on the doorstep. And in the event of an audit, freenet is Receipt4s® now well prepared. 

Since pictures often say more than 1,000 words, the Nicolas Tetau to the Solution Owner for the "Digital Store Solutions" division Hannah Knipp from the CAS Concepts and Solutions AG. In a live demo, she showed how lightweight the solutions work and how they can significantly support store staff in future processes. 

After the lunch break and many discussions, we continued the agenda and began with another presentation by the SAP Supported by the payment partner Adyen.

It began Harald Tebbe in the lecture Solution overview SAP CCO - Status, outlook, roadmap - What does Payment do to get to know the customer in the store? He presented to the plenum how the SAP CCO POS solution continues to gain in importance at SAP and what added value the POS can deliver both technically and in terms of processes. A not insignificant topic among the retailers present. 😊 After taking a joint look at the SAP Customer Checkout roadmap Maximilian Mundel from the Adyen He gave the presentation and explained the possibilities for merchants to simplify and standardize the payment process for all channels. He also demonstrated the potential that can be extracted from payment transactions for merchants and the corresponding knowledge about their customers.

Luisa Herget from the food retailer tegut... gute Lebensmittel GmbH & Co. KG. However, not in the traditional sense, but in the area of regulation. Under the title 2 years of fiscalization in the company - disaster or everything under control? she explained to us all what challenges retailers have to solve with regard to fiscal requirements, receipt archiving, audits, etc. and how tegut... gute Lebensmittel GmbH & Co. KG met these challenges with solutions. The insight into the solution approach was very exciting for a topic for which there is "otherwise no applause." 😉

The series of lectures was concluded by the protagonists who had just been awarded the RETA Award Vera Vasbender and Tobias Rittinghaus from the Esprit. Under the title Practical experience with digital store management - effective, seamless and in real time they showed together how Esprit has rethought and implemented the topic of store merchandise management and what considerable added value has been created for store staff. Everyone could only agree that the RETA Award presentation by the EHI Retail Institute and the Lebensmittel Zeitung quite rightly Esprit went.

The two of them showed how the solution is used in a short video. This is available again here.

After the presentations, we moved on to the informal part of the event. The intensive discussions of the day were continued in a relaxed atmosphere with cool drinks and a delicious barbecue.

"The event in a small and exclusive setting was an absolute highlight"

In the end, everyone agreed that the event was a complete success and everyone would like to see it continue. The exclusive line-up and the "small" setting were explicitly emphasized and considered a success. The exchange was exceptionally good, full of respect and interest. This was very often evident during the presentations, for example. Pure interaction!

"An exchange in this depth and format is great. Otherwise, the other events are always so superficial"

The feedback was also clear: Absolutely repeat!

We from the RetailOneSolution Network were also simply thrilled, which leads us to the following conclusion:

Great location, great people, great topics, great togetherness!!!

Many thanks to everyone involved for making such a day what it was. This applies to preparation, during the event, but also afterwards. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Picture of Jürgen Werner

Jürgen Werner

Head of Retail Division | CAS AG