Stores and omnichannel


Stores and omnichannel! Two worlds! Two worlds? Definitely not. The secret is seamless omnichannel processes that are integrated into the store environment - not just via interfaces.

Stores and omnichannel - two worlds?

For a long time now, retailers in all sectors have hardly been able to manage without online business and omnichannel concepts. Often, however, these topics are still located internally in different companies, departments or even companies, perhaps even outsourced - often in contrast to the existing store network. But are branches and omnichannel really two different worlds?

What the fulfillment of online orders in the stores means in organizational terms runs through the entire company. Starting with the master data or price supply through to the comprehensive stock information in real time or the processing of online orders with picking processes in the store. There are often organizational boundaries as well as systemic ones to overcome.

If the topics are not synchronized and harmonized, this means friction losses, information deficits with negative effects on the customer and, unfortunately, often frustration among the users of such solutions.


Secret of seamless omnichannel processes

The secret is to seamlessly integrate these omnichannel processes into the store environment and seamless does not mean via stable interfaces to other systems, but in fact really seamless.

What does that mean? At the end of the day, it doesn't matter where orders, reservations etc. come from. In a store pick-up scenario, they always end up in the store!

That's what we did in the Retail One Solution Network to our advantage. We embed the processes around the omnichannel topic with our CAS Store Solution based on SAP Fiori seamlessly. It doesn't matter whether a "shopping cart" is generated during a customer consultation or whether this shopping cart is transferred via the online store and its Click & X processes. Everything flows into an order in the ERP backend. This gives us a "technical" home for a variety of process-related characteristics.


All processes in one solution

This means that processes can also be supplemented wonderfully if, for example, additional adjustments are necessary. With our flexible and easily customizable SAP Fiori app "Sales Cockpit", we support all processes precisely and are always standard in the ERP!

We provide the front end as a template and easily customize it for our customers. Just as the necessary process step requires and as simple as possible so that the staff in the branch can operate the solution intuitively.

Corresponding to the other apps from our Store Solution (the old classics: incoming goods, outgoing goods, article information, inventory, etc.), the omnichannel apps (the aforementioned sales cockpit or omnichannel pricing and promotion, etc.) are seamlessly integrated. This is a whole new usability experience. Your users will love it!


Store, omnichannel, checkout, receipt data archiving - everything interlocks

But that's not all! In order to make the orders in question (from the consultation or online store Click & X) easy to checkout in the store, we have implemented a completely ready-made interface to the SAP CCO checkout solution, which makes it possible to transfer the shopping baskets in the store directly to the checkout and make them checkoutable. The disposal then "unsurprisingly" follows the standard route into the ERP. In addition, as you would expect from us, with legally compliant receipt data archiving that covers all fiscalization requirements. This is ensured by the complete integration of the Receipt4S solution. We are proud of this Range of solutions: ROS goes omnichannel!